Healthy Habits, Happy Kids

Programme Type
Learn: Children and Youth Programmes

Thebes Stage - Hall 12

Date & Time
  • 29 Apr 11:00 AM
Session Details

The session aims at teaching viewers and attendees how we can sustain our bodies to last us forever. Our body is a vehicle that must be maintained and fuelled well to operate properly.

The first part of the session will discuss healthy habits that help us maintain our body to keep it strong.

The second part will discuss food and how we can enjoy it while ensuring it is good fuel for our bodies.

Finally, the session will conclude noting that body care is an adventure that we have to experience both the fun and the difficult parts, in order to reap its fruits.

In Collaboration with Al Hudhud Publishing and Distribution.


Raouia Hamiche

Raouia Hamiche

Raouia Hamiche